Drakes Cakes Frequently Asked Questions FAQs
These questions come from our clients that ask some really good questions.
Why is my shipping so high?
Our shipping reflects weight of your order plus the box size and we use Priority Mail (2-3day) Service. We charge handling fees between $4-$8.00 depending upon the size of the orders (this handling fee also includes packaging fees and the cost for the box) the rest of the pricing is PRIORITY Shipping Service (2 day sometime 3 day depending upon where your located from the Main Post office).
What does the date represent on the box?
The date on the box is just a Best by date that the plant puts on when they make the Drakes Cake product. It does not mean it is not eatable or goes bad. It is a date that has to be put on as per the FDA. You can eat the cakes well after that date. Most people we know put their cakes into the refrigerator so it will last up to 6 months and in the deep freezer so it lasts as long as a year.
Can you Freeze Yodels?
Yes you can freeze yodels, Ring Dings, Funny Bones for a long time then take them out of the freezer eat them that way or put them in the refrigerator and let them thaw out for a bit then enjoy them.
You can also refrigerate the Yankee Doodles, Swiss Rolls, coffee cakes and the Devil Dogs to last a very long time as well.
How do I change my Shipping information to mail my purchase to someone else as a gift?
Click on this link and it will take you to the shipping instructions page
How do I put in a message or special instructions into my order?
How do we find out about special sales?
You can go to our website and signup for our emails about when our product has special sales. http://www.drakescakesonline.com/drakes_cakes_email_signup_page.htm
How does one become a distributor?
You can go to our website and signup to apply for a distribution area. http://www.drakescakesdistributors.com
How long does it take to be a distributor?
You can reserve the area immediately but the paperwork and the rest of the process can take up to 3 months but we are working to get this process stream lined for quicker turn up.
I do not want to be a distributor but I would like to purchase a great deal and what a volume discount, what do I have to do?
When you signup to apply as a distributor when they send out the email about the additional information just put in the response that you just want to purchase quantity and that would be all. A representative would get back to you and then if you meet the required volume you would be able to get the discounts.
I would like to get a Pay Pal Account so I can pay you through that service and they keep my credit card on file so I do not have to enter my card number each time I order. How Do I get a Pay Pal Account?
You can get a Pay Pal Account by clicking on the Link here Get A PAYPAL Account
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